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Saturday, December 8, 2012

Another Semester Comes to an End...ALMOST!

Why hello again - long time, no Blog :)  A little pesky thing called exams has been stifling my life lately, but alas, they are ALMOST over!  I had back-to-back exams and two papers due during the beginning of the exam period, and now I've only got one to go...and it's a 48-hour take home...a.k.a. LIFE IS GOOD!  So rather than share all that's happened over the past two weeks (other than studying my life away!) let me share some pictures, since they're worth a thousand words :)  

Em, V, and Seth at Cafe Japone for some karaoke :)

Honey is a gymnast and her favorite sport is balance beam!

 Love me them play :)

Zoo Lights at the National pretty!

These apes were snuggling in their sleep...too cute!

Sweet lil' lamas :)
Anyway, all is well in this neck of the woods and I sure hope all is well with each of you!  Until the next time - much love and a happy start to your holiday season :)  

1 comment:

Munchy's Mama said...

Best of luck with the rest of your pesky school work (although I know you'll do great, you're amazing).

Love the video of the girls fighting--so cute!

Can't wait to see you!
