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Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Dog Days of Summer

Howdy ya'll!  Well, summer is here with a vengeance (my Mom calls it the 'dog days of summer') and I for one am not ready!  Today, I was standing and waiting for the Metro and DRIPPING with sweat!!!  It really is ridiculous and way to freakin early for it to be this hottttt!  Let's just hope it's not a pre-cursor to a deadly hot summer to come...

Aint I purdy when I sweat!?!

But I digress, it's also the dog days of summer cause of Honey :)  We sure love our little bundle of joy and just got her enrolled in a doggy Health Plan (luckily for her, it's not Obamacare hehe!)  Also, we even took her to get her nails did and, this time, she did good and is loving the results of her mani-pedi!  

Aside from that, we've been enjoying summer and staying busy.  I am still loving my job (it will be four weeks tomorrow, crazy huh!?) and am pleased with my grades (although I'm still freakin waiting on two more dang it!).  Seth is keeping busy with work and all of his Mega Seth skills.  We've also been spending a lot of our free time working out all of the little details for the wedding (which is in like 45 days - yikes!) and planning some more fun adventures for the summer!  Also...our wine making kit came, so I'm about to start a brew of 12 bottles of Chardonnay this weekend - uhoh!!!  I'll let you know how that goes :)

The Artful Winemaker has arrived - wahoo!

Anyway, it's almost the weekend (so I guess I'm a little behind on this weeks post, aren't I) and I'm looking forward to it.  First of all, it's Pride Weekend here in DC, so we are volunteering with GLAAD and excited for all of the festivities!  Also, to top off the weekend, my cousin Jose and his girlfriend are here for the weekend (they flew in from Puerto Rico to see the Black Eyed Peas in New York, which by the way we will be visiting again next weekend, but I digress again!) and they are going to come down and we get to play tour guide - yay!  

Me with my cousins Maritere and Jose at lunch in Baltimore.

Well, that's as good a recap as I think I can give at 11:30PM on a Thursday night :)  I'm off to bed, but lots more stories to come after the weekend.  Until then, live, laugh, and love - xo!

1 comment:

Munchy's Mama said...

Crasy' it's so hot over there--we're barely reaching 80 here...and lovin' it!

Artful Winemaker: neat!

Best damn tour guides= you & Mista Seth.
