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Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's Our Life

It's hard to believe that it's been 2 1/2 months since we left Utah already!  D.C. has treated us really well though and we are still continuing to enjoy the new adventure in between all the craziness of work and school!  Seth is keeping busy at work (as usual).  His company, among many of the projects in which they are involved, is in charge of publishing the game-day guides for the..wait for it...SUPER BOWL!!!  Let's just hope that the Redskins make it to the playoffs this year and maybe we will have to road trip it to Dallas to see his handywork and hail to the Redskins!  As for me, I'm pretty boring...unless having your head stuck in a book all day is appealing to you...if so hit me up :)  No, for real, like I've said before I'm really enjoying school and even have some time to get out for our class parties, make some wonderful new friends, and even get involved with our school-wide "Bar Review."...insert funny story here haha:

*So I guess coming from Utah and being a former Cougar I'm not used to drinking in association with school functions.  Enter "Bar Review."  The first week of school I kept hearing about this 'bar review' and the only thing I could think was that it was a weekly prep-course helping prepare students to take the BAR Exam.  Well, boy was I PLEASANTLY surprised to hear that it was actually a club, the "Offical Drinking Club of American Univesity Washington College of Law" to be precise...guess people have found that drinking makes the work a little more bearable ;)*

All the activities aside though, I'm sorry that I really am actually pretty boring lately but, hey, I gotta focus up so when you all reading this do something stupid I can help you out...for FREE :) And soon, after my induction into the Phi Alpha Detla Legal Fraternity (by Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor), I will be one step wish us luck :)


Munchy's Mama said...

What'dya mean? It does sound like a weekly prep course for the bar exam. Lord knows you'll need it! (o=

Brandon Román said...

haha its true :) miss you! yay for skype today!!!